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How to withdraw funds

To withdraw your coins, please go to your Account page. You will see “Withdraw” column there, which contains buttons, one button for each cryptocurrency.

At first, make sure that the coin you'd like to withdraw is held in your Wallet account or Spot account. Transfer the funds from the Spot account if needed, then hit the “Withdraw” button.

Specify the amount you'd like to withdraw. Important: the amount should contain no more than 8 digits after the decimal point, otherwise your withdrawal request won't be processed.

Paste the destination address into the “Address” field. Make sure that you're using the correct address. Once your funds are sent, it would be impossible to reverse the transaction.

Note: If you see an error while trying to initiate a withdrawal or experience any other issue, please see I cannot withdraw a coin article.

Some digital assets and receiving parties require extra destination identifiers to perform transactions successfully. For example, some services will provide you with an address AND a Payment ID. So to withdraw XMR, for example, you would need to specify the address AND the Payment ID. Please be sure that you've specified both correctly, and you're good to go! If the destination account doesn't require a Payment ID, just leave this field empty.

A withdrawal amount should be greater than the network fee amount. The fee amount is shown right under the “Amount” field.

After you type in the authentication code (if 2FA for withdrawals is enabled on your account) and hit the “Withdraw” button, the following notification will be displayed: “Please confirm this withdrawal via email.” Please check your email inbox and locate the new message from [email protected] with the subject “Withdrawal confirmation.” This is what the email looks like.

Carefully check the amount and the destination address and confirm your withdrawal by clicking the link. You'll be brought back to your Account page, and the transaction will have been successfully initiated. Track and manage your withdrawals on the Reports page, the Transactions History section, or right there on your Account page, in the “Latest transactions” section at the bottom.

While your withdrawal is being processed, a blue circle and red cross icons will be displayed on the right in the corresponding row. At some point the red cross (Cancel button) will disappear as the transaction has already been sent to the blockchain. Once the processing is completed, the blue circle is replaced with a green mark .


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