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Where is my withdrawal?

To begin with, take a look at the status of your withdrawal on HitBTC. You will see one of the three options:

(Pending) - Please allow some time for the withdrawal to be processed and the transaction hash to be formed. If it takes longer than a few minutes, please read this article: My withdrawal remains pending.

 (Committed) - Your withdrawal has been committed and sent to the blockchain. You will receive your coins shortly.

(Failed or Cancelled) - Your withdrawal has failed due to one of the two reasons: either the payment information is incorrect or the network is overloaded; or - You have canceled this withdrawal.
The funds have been returned to your account and you can retry withdrawing them. If the problem persists, please fill out the form: I haven't received my withdrawal.

What if your funds failed to reach the destination account? Check the status of the transaction on the block explorer. You can follow the link by clicking the transaction hash you see on your Payment History page.

“Success” status with no errors on the blockchain means that the transaction has been committed and the funds should be in the destination wallet. If they are not, please contact the destination service’s support team for help on this matter.

What if there is a block explorer error?

In an unlikely event of a block explorer error, please fill out the form to contact us: I haven't received my withdrawal. We would be happy to look into the issue.

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