
Delete Account on Android

It is possible to delete your account. Kindly note, once you delete your account, you will not be able to access it anymore due to security reasons. If you have any funds on your account, please make sure to transfer them on another account or withdraw before deleting your account.

Once you delete your account, you won’t be able to access it either from mobile app, web or API.  All your trading activities and pending withdrawals will be cancelled. All API keys and active sessions will be disabled. You will also loose access to your activity history.

Please let us know if you would also like to delete your personal data. If you are using HitBTC Wallet mobile app and would like to delete your account, please submit a ticket, and customer support specialist will contact you to confirm your account deletion.You will need to fill in the following fields:

I use - HitBTC Crypto Wallet App
Platform - Android
My question is about - Account and Security
Choose your issue - I want to delete my account

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